Sunday, April 29, 2012


They talk a lot about love.. they call it the supreme senstation.. Yes, I have known what love is all about. It is the feeling, which makes you one, with yourself, which allows you to be you. I do not know if that can be translated, the feeling of being one with the cosmos, with the sky. To stand under the blue sky without any pretenious, just being you.. that I think is love.. to be completely at ease, at peace.. with or without anything substantial.
So, how does it translate into the love that we know as the magic of the cupid? Well may be it does, may be it does not. But those who have had felt it, would know, the smile on the face of your beloved is the worth of all the pains that you go through.
Love for me, is the feeling that i have dreamt in my dreams. It is the secret, of things, which had made me survive the perils of life..
Its like tasting the mellowness of the sun, its like reading the secret behind colours and visualising a world of colours.
love, for me is the feeling, that has made life bearable, with its hatred and its pains..
Yes, I have know life and have faced it when it had no meaning. I have seen it vapourise in front of me, when the rose hurt more than its thorns. But may be it was love, which made be come alive and feel the gift of life again.
I know not the love of humans, although I have been in the game once. I am at flux, for love for me appears to be ethreal, without a body.. but yes it is stronger than the way my breath flows and it nestles in my heart.
Yes I have known love.

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