Sunday, March 10, 2013

Why do I have the urge to write?

Being a journalist by profession, writing possibly is the last thing, I want to do during my leisure. For my friends, who are in fields, where in they look up writing as a God-send gift, it might be difficult to understand why I do not update my blog more regularly. For me, writing, or being immersed in the world of words leading to sentences the concept of pleasure writing is kinda foreign.
On an average day, I key in not less than 1,000 words into myriad news item. They have a structure, a format and I try to make them as sensible as the sketchy bits of information makes to me. My aim is to make my reader understand why, the piece of information excites me should excite him also. I do not know if I am successful in my en devour, but thanks to MS word, the work gets done. So, slap, dash and the thing is ready to go through the long gamulet of process before it hits (or does not) the reader next day. As simple as making a cup of coffee.
Now, to come to the part, which baffles me often. If I write everyday, during work, why do I have this semblance of a blog. The answer for me, is not that simple. Writing for the cathartic effect, does not help me much, given I do write a lot. Writing as an exercise to hone my skills, to be use to jogg my brain to help it move, is also not that effective given the fact that I try to change my style of writing with every news item I write.
For me, the reason is simple. This blog makes me feel a bit more human than I normally would feel so. This blog helps me in get in touch with some of the emotions, which I think whimper and die out within me. Those emotions can hardly to quantified, they are just waves which rises, peaks and falls back never to return again.  Understanding them is not that easy, so I write to let them free in this blog. At times, my brain stops functioning and I let my fingers go on, guided by some thing, which takes possession of my body. The result is not that simple or nice. At times such outpourings make sense, but more likely than not it is a cacophony which is more noise than music. Things happen, you see, they reflect the state that gets the precedence.
If, the ordered mind takes the upper hand, then the outpourings make sense, but if it is confusion you see, then it is confusion which reigns supreme.
Are these emotions that important? I am not sure, I just observe them and more often than not, they try to play their role in the mischief called life. Anyways, I wish them the best and yeah, I will continue to write whether I make sense or not :) 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes, I believe that these emotions are important to be aware of... since they brew in the interiors of our mind, and have a direct impact on our brain and body. It is best to let them take physical shape, see what they are, and understand what they tell us about our own state of mind.